1st Official Delegation of the Sikhs went to Belgium & France.
On the 6th of April 1998.,1st International official Sikh Delegation visited the Town Hall of Ieper, Menon Gate – the National Monument of World War 1 in Belgium and Neuve Chapelle in France for the 1st time in history where Sikhs have fought in World War 1 and died in thousands.
The Delegation members Sardar Bhupinder Singh Holland, Sardar Harjinder Singh Sandhu – Sardar Major Singh – Sardar Darshan Singh, all from Amsteram, Dr. Jaideep Singh and Dr. Gurdit Singh from USA and Sardar Hardial Singh from Dubai – Nephew of Sant jarnail Singh Ji Bhiderawale were warmly received by the authorities after 80 years of the end of War.
Since then, Sikhs are paying tributes to the Sikh Martyrs every year on the 11th of November (Armistice Day) in large numbers and 1 monuments in Hollebeke on 03-04-1999 and 1 in Wijtschate 0n 09-11-2008, both in Belgium had been inaugurated according to Sikh Tradition.
Thanks to the Sikh Sangat of Europe and specially to Dominiek Dendohven of Inflanders Field Museum who opened the welcome doors for the Sikhs in Belgium.